Lodge Rules

I. Name and Affiliation of the Lodge

A. The name of the Lodge shall be Alibamu Lodge #179, Order of the Arrow, W.W.W.
B. The Lodge shall be affiliated with the Tukabatchee Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, and shall be under the administrative authority of the Scout Executive.
C. The totem of the Lodge shall be the right profile of an Indian brave wearing a one feathered headband.
D. The Lodge shall have an official Lodge neckerchief as approved by the Lodge Executive Committee.

  1. Each Brotherhood/Vigil member shall have the opportunity to purchase one current official Lodge neckerchief that is not to be traded or resold.
  2. Lodge neckerchiefs shall be worn only at Order of the Arrow functions.
  3. Order of the Arrow sashes shall be worn only with the official Scout, Explorer, or Scouter uniform.
  4. The sash may be worn by youth in ceremonial events.

II. Membership

A. Membership election requirements and procedures for youth and adults of this Lodge are as stated in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow handbook.
B. Ordeal Membership

  1. Procedures for the Ordeal shall be as stated in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow handbook.
  2. The Ordeal membership fee shall be payable at the time of the Ordeal induction. Payment of this fee shall entitle each new Ordeal member to receive a membership card, an OA sash, an OA handbook, and one current Lodge flap patch.
  3. Ordeal ceremonies are normally held in the Spring and Summer

C. Brotherhood Membership

  1. Completion of Brotherhood membership shall be in accordance with the requirements in the current printing of the Order of the Arrow Handbook.
  2. The Brotherhood fee is payable at time of the Brotherhood induction and includes the cost of the Brotherhood sash.
  3. Brotherhood ceremonies are normally held in conjunction with Ordeal ceremonies and at Fall Fellowship.

D. The Vigil Honor

  1. Attainment of the Vigil Honor shall be in accordance with the requirements in the current printing of the OA handbook.
  2. The Vigil Honor fee is payable at the time of the Vigil induction and includes the cost of the Vigil sash, BSA Vigil certificate, and card.
  3. The Vigil ceremony is normally held at Fall Fellowship.

III. Lodge Officers

A. The officers of the Lodge shall be: Lodge Chief, Lodge Vice Chief, Lodge Secretary, and the Lodge Treasurer.

  1. Officers must be registered in scouting, active, and in good standing with the Lodge.
  2. Officer’s terms normally run from July 1 through June 30 for one year.
  3. Officers must be under 21 years of age for the length of their term.
  4. Officers may be re-elected provided they still meet the eligibility requirements.
  5. Officers are elected at the Allogagan Ordeal.
  • If the nominee is present, he must agree to serve in the office being nominated for or his name will be withdrawn.
  • If the nominee is not present, the person submitting the nomination must have written and signed permission from the nominee to place his name on the ballot for that office.
  • The winner must have 50% of the votes cast plus one, of the members present or there will be a run-off between the top two vote getters.
  • Only OA Lodge members under the age of 21 may vote for Lodge Officers.

B. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the elected Lodge Officers, immediate Past Lodge Chief, Lodge Adviser, Associate Lodge Adviser(s), Lodge Camping Chairman and Adviser, Lodge Publications Chairman and Adviser, Lodge Service Chairman and Adviser, Lodge Vigil Chairman and Adviser, Lodge Ceremony Chairman and Adviser, Lodge Training Chairman and Adviser, Historian and History Committee Adviser, Cub Scout Chairman and Adviser, Special Events Chairman and Adviser, Merit Badge Day Chairman and Adviser, Drum & Dance Chairman and Adviser, Chapter Chief and Adviser for each Chapter, Scout Executive and Staff Adviser.

  1. The Executive Committee shall conduct the business of the Lodge and shall coordinate the work being done by the officers and operating Committees.
  2. Only youth members of the Executive Committee have a vote concerning Lodge business. Advisers advise only (see VI).
  3. The Scout Executive, or his representative, has ultimate authority as Supreme Chief of the Fire.

C. The Lodge Adviser shall be appointed annually by the Scout Executive in consultation with the chairman of the Council Program Committee and the Lodge Chief.
D. The Lodge Chief shall appoint operating Committees and Committee chairman with the approval of the Lodge Adviser.

  1. Committee Chairman shall be under the age of 21.
  2. Adult Advisers for Committees will be appointed by the Lodge Adviser after consultation with the Lodge Chief.
  3. Duties of the Committees will be established by the Lodge Executive Committee. Special Committees may be formed for conclaves/special events.

E. Members of the Executive Committee that can no longer function satisfactorily in their elected or appointed capacity may be replaced for the remainder of their term. Before this can be done, the affected member must have an opportunity to present their case to the Executive Committee.

  1. Procedures to follow are in an enclosed Operating Procedure.

IV. Lodge Meetings

A. The Lodge shall conduct four Lodge events a year.
B. The Executive Committee shall conduct at least four meetings each year.
C. Special meetings of the Lodge or the Executive Committee may be called by the Lodge Chief, Lodge Adviser, Associate Lodge Adviser, or Scout Executive, with the approval of the Scout Executive or his designated representative.

  1. All members of the Lodge and/or Executive Committee must be notified in sufficient time to enable them to attend the special meeting.
  2. The Scout Executive or his designated representative must be in attendance.

D. All regular meetings of the Lodge and its Executive Committee shall be published.
E. All meetings of the Lodge should be opened with the Obligation of the Order of the Arrow and closed with the Order of the Arrow song.
F. All meetings of the Lodge and its Executive Committee shall be conducted according to the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. (Revised)
G. All meetings of the Executive Committee will have minutes recorded that will show proposals made, actions taken, and members in attendance.

V. Lodge Finances

A. Dues will be set by the Executive Committee and published in the Lodge newsletter by Fall Fellowship.
B. Delinquent dues.

  1. Dues not paid by the end of the annual Lodge banquet in January may have a $2.00 late fee added.
  2. When one has not paid dues for over two years, a reinstatement fee of $10.00 may be charged.
  3. Members delinquent in their dues also lose privileges of membership such as newsletters, voting, representing the Lodge at Conclaves and NOACs, and attending Lodge events such as banquets, ordeals, and Fall Fellowship.
  4. Dues are not pro-rated for the year in which paid.

C. All Order of the Arrow funds will be handled through the council office and go through all the normal accounting procedures.
D. Neither the Lodge, Chapter, or members under its jurisdiction shall have the authority to bind the Tukabatchee Area Council or the Boy Scouts of America to any financial obligation.
E. Neither the Lodge or any Chapter under its jurisdiction may hold title to any real property.
F. Money-earning projects undertaken by the Lodge or any of its Chapters must file a BSA Money Earning Application and be approved in advance by the Lodge Executive Committee and the Scout Executive.

  1. Lodge money-earning applications must be presented by and be executed under the direct supervision of the Lodge Chief, Lodge Adviser, and Lodge Staff Adviser.
  2. Chapter money earning applications must be presented by and executed under the direct supervision of the Chapter Chief, Chapter Adviser, and Chapter staff Adviser (District Executive).

G. Prices for patches and other items sold by the OA will be set by the Lodge Executive Committee.

VI. Voting

A. Adult Lodge members, age 21 or over, do not have a vote in matters of Lodge/Chapter business.
B. Youth Lodge members, under 21, vote on matters of Lodge /Chapter matters.

VII. Chapters

A. The Lodge shall be divided into Chapters according to the recommendations made by the Lodge Executive Committee, Lodge Adviser, and the Scout Executive.

  1. Chapters are separate entities but are integral parts of the Lodge established to carry out the Lodge’s policies and progress as provided for in these rules and as adopted by the Lodge Executive Committee.
  2. Chapters shall be under supervision of the respective District Program Committee and the respective District Scout Executive and under the administrative authority of the Scout Executive.

B. Chapter officers of each chapter shall be Chapter Chief, Chapter Vice Chief(s), and Chapter Secretary.

  1. Chapter officers must meet the same requirements as Lodge officers as stated in III, A, 1-5, above.

C. Each Chapter shall have a Chapter Adviser appointed by the Scout Executive in consultation with the Lodge Adviser, the Chairman of the respective District Program Committee and the respective District Scout Executive. D. Chapters shall only have the same operating committees as the lodge. The Chairman of these committees shall be appointed by the Chapter Chief with the approval of the Chapter Adviser and shall be members of the corresponding Lodge operating committees.
E. All Chapter meetings shall be conducted according to the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised).
F. Chapter officers that can no longer function satisfactorily in their elected or appointed capacity may be replaced for the remainder of their term.

  1. Procedures to follow are enclosed in an Operating Procedure.

VIII. Authority

A. The Lodge Executive Committee, Lodge Adviser, and Scout Executive shall have the right to interpret these Lodge rules.
B. The Lodge Executive Committee shall write and implement the required operating procedures for these Lodge rules.
C. The Scout Executive shall be the ultimate authority of the Lodge.
D. Nothing in these rules, printed or not, will conflict with the rules
established by the current issue of the Order of the Arrow Handbook or the Administrative Guide for Officers.

IX. Amendments to the Rules
A. These rules are subject to amendment at any regular or special meeting of the Lodge provided:

  • The amendment(s) is/are submitted in writing to the Lodge membership so that they have sufficient time to study the changes (normally 30+ days).
  • A date is established for voting on the amendment(s).
  • Amendment(s) is/are approved or disapproved by simple majority vote (50% plus 1 vote) of the members voting.

APPROVED by the Lodge voting membership on May 3, 1996
AMENDED by the Lodge voting membership on January 9, 1999
AMENDED by the Lodge voting membership on October 8, 1999
AMENDED by the Lodge voting membership on May 10, 2015
AMENDED by the Lodge voting membership on December 3, 2016

© Tukabatchee Area Council, BSA 2025. All Rights Reserved.